Arkansas State Police

Michael Lindsey, a history student who was completing his master's thesis at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, carried out this project from 2003 to 2004. Lindsey's interviews focused on the history of the Arkansas State Police from its founding in 1935 to 2000. This project consists of sixty interviews. These oral histories formed the basis for his book, The Big Hat Law: Arkansas and Its State Police, 1935-2000, which was published by the Butler Center for Arkansas Studies in Little Rock.

Interviewee Interviewer Date
A Acoach, ArvelMichael Lindsey 06/09/2003
B Bailey, JohnMichael Lindsey 03/11/2004
Bradford, HanselMichael Lindsey 05/05/2004
Braunns, LesMichael Lindsey 07/08/2004
Bray, JimMichael Lindsey 09/25/2003
Brown, EltonMichael Lindsey 09/25/2003
Brown, KennethMichael Lindsey 09/25/2003
Brown, KennethMichael Lindsey 10/21/2003
C Carnahan, RayMichael Lindsey 12/09/2003
Carver, BillMichael Lindsey 05/26/2008
Chandler, HowardMichael Lindsey 10/09/2003
Chappelle, JohnMichael Lindsey 12/09/2003
D Davidson, W.Michael Lindsey 01/09/2004
Davis, JerryMichael Lindsey 12/09/2003
Davis, LynnMichael Lindsey 08/18/2003
E Elliot, JimMichael Lindsey 10/09/2003
F Friend, DeanMichael Lindsey 02/12/2004
H Halley, PaulMichael Lindsey 12/10/2003
Harp, G.Michael Lindsey 06/07/2004
Hensley, MelMichael Lindsey 08/13/2003
J Jones, JesseMichael Lindsey 04/21/2004
K Kidwell, JohnMichael Lindsey 04/04/2004
L Lemons, RonMichael Lindsey 07/21/2004
Luter, HaroldMichael Lindsey 09/25/2003
M Mars, TomMichael Lindsey 03/08/2004
McFerran, KenMichael Lindsey 09/11/2004
S Smith, LyleMichael Lindsey 05/05/2004
T Tester, M.Michael Lindsey 09/25/2003