The KATV Collection

Made Possible by a Generous Gift From
Tyson Foods, Inc.,
The Tyson Family Foundation,
and Barbara Tyson

KATV, the ABC television affiliate in Little Rock, Arkansas, has amassed an astounding archive of Arkansas history. During its almost seventy years of broadcasting, the station saved more than 26,000 hours of news footage on film and videotape, making it one of the largest archives of any local television station in the country. KATV donated the collection to the Pryor Center in 2009. Through a generous donation by Tyson Foods, Inc., The Tyson Family Foundation, and Barbara Tyson, this priceless archive is being preserved and digitized. We have begun posting the earliest film transfers and descriptions in a searchable format. Please continue to check back frequently for new postings from this historical archive. Click here to read more about The KATV Collection.

How to search The KATV Collection
The original handwritten log sheets cataloging the film footage have been transcribed and posted with the restored video files. To search for a person, place, or event, enter a search term, such as a name or year, in the field below and click Submit. The search results display the log sheet titles matching your search term. Click a log sheet title to play the digitized film footage.

You can also click one of the MCR numbers below to display the original handwritten catalog descriptions and play the digitized film footage.




The KATV Collection

A donation from Allbritton Communications Company