Twenty-Five Years of Arkansas Politics: A Conversation with Dr. Janine Parry

The David and Barbara Pryor Center for Arkansas Oral and Visual History concluded the 2023-24 season of the Pryor Center Presents lecture series on Thursday, April 11, with "Twenty-Five Years of Arkansas Politics: A Conversation with Dr. Janine Parry."

In 1998, Janine A. Parry joined the faculty at the University of Arkansas. A native of Washington state, Parry quickly became one of the most knowledgeable scholars of Natural State politics and a favorite among students at the U of A. Over the last quarter century, she has educated and inspired students and political observers alike on the topic of Arkansas politics.

In this discussion, Parry will reflect on her experiences as an educator, scholar and observer of Arkansas politics and posit closing thoughts on what has been a truly remarkable tenure at the U of A.

Parry is University Professor of political science and founding director of the Diane D. Blair Center's annual Arkansas Poll. An award-winning teacher of more than 6,000 students at all levels, including many who now serve as elected or appointed public servants, Parry has authored more than 50 scholarly publications on voter behavior, women in politics, ballot measures and more, and has provided political analysis to regional, national and international news outlets.

Parry also has worn all manner of public service hats, including steering a Status of Women in Arkansas report for the Institute for Women's Policy Research in 2002, directing the U of A's Teaching and Faculty Support Center, chairing the U of A's Faculty Senate, and serving on the board of the Fayetteville Public Library.
