Alessandro Salemme and the Honors College Research Team - An Oral History of TheatreSquared

The Pryor Center Presents lecture series presented by the David and Barbara Pryor Center for Arkansas Oral and Visual History in the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences continues with “An Oral History of TheatreSquared” featuring Alessandro Salemme and students from the Honors College Research Team. The TheatreSquared project is part of the Pryor Center's Arkansas Story Vault, which provides students with hands-on experience in media production and community storytelling.

TheatreSquared is a professional theatre located in downtown Fayetteville that stands as a pillar for the region’s performative arts. This presentation will showcase the history of TheatreSquared by exploring its foundation and community outreach. The students will present excerpts from sixteen video interviews conducted for this oral history project. Their research will provide insight into why TheatreSquared continues to grow as a staple of diversity, opportunity, and production in national and regional theatre.

Salemme is a video producer at the Pryor Center and project lead for the Arkansas Story Vault program, designed to educate and involve students by encouraging their participation in preserving the cultural heritage of Arkansas. He has over nine years of experience working in documentary filmmaking, education, and national and local news across the US and UK. Salemme holds a Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and Television Production from the University of Chester, England. He sits on the Fayetteville Film Festival Board, which promotes filmmakers across the region and state.

The Honors College Research Team students are Miceala Morano, Sarah Wilson, Ethan Brown, Janna Morse, Ella Scurlock, and Sydnie Smith.
